I always knew he was on Shrooms
I always knew he was on Shrooms
... Dude a game is a game.... why bother making something making fun of dead people? (Dead as in they are so obsessed they have lost their lives)
Open Wide Biat*h 'ere Come Mah BUBBLES! - Favorite Line
I really wanted Brock to get hurt lol
Last One Was The Absolute Best
Mario Finally Destroyed The Castle.... But then it got another life :D Mario's Castle Collab 3 Anyone?
Great Animation with a moral to teach kids...
Dont watch nyan cat too long or you will suffer
Amazing work
Loved it but didn't u notice that guy was holding the guitar backwards?
aww man now I'm gonna have nightmares about hamburger moon...
I love the reference at the end
If anyone of you actually grew up on video games as a kid you would know that the mysterious block is from the original Pokemon game, and that mysterious block was actually Mew-two!
I Love References :D to my old memories :D
Group Hug!
*Splash noise* - ewww gross too soon...
I am mostly on YouTube these days.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 2/23/07